The heart of the ancient city, the Roman Forum

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The key to Rome's success over the centuries was precisely a modern, practical and forward-looking mentality that is still clearly visible in what remains of the heart of social life in the most modern society in history. In fact, while technology is an invention of modern times, in its ancient meaning it indicated know-how, the ability to find solutions to improve the living conditions of the community.

There are many reasons why Ancient Rome occupies such an important place in our memories. Perhaps it is because of the military importance of the Eternal City, or because of its timeless art and literature, or perhaps because the Romans invented political life, laws, legal systems and democracy itself, as we understand it today.

And the Roman Forum is exactly where it all thrived, the heart of the Ancient City, located between the Palatine Hill and the Capitoline Hill, two of the seven hills on which the city of Rome was built. We will discover the secrets with which the Romans designed the city, managed the Empire and organised leisure time, revealing the greatest 'invention' of this timeless civilisation, its way of life. We will discover that the modus vivendi of much of today's society is an updated version of that of the ancient Romans, and we will discover that, in essence, we are as modern as they were, or perhaps that, in some respects, they were far ahead of us and could still inspire us to improve our future.

90 minutes including 30 min Q&A

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The key to Rome's success over the centuries was precisely a modern, practical and forward-looking mentality that is still clearly visible in what remains of the heart of social life in the most modern society in history. In fact, while technology is an invention of modern times, in its ancient meaning it indicated know-how, the ability to find solutions to improve the living conditions of the community.

There are many reasons why Ancient Rome occupies such an important place in our memories. Perhaps it is because of the military importance of the Eternal City, or because of its timeless art and literature, or perhaps because the Romans invented political life, laws, legal systems and democracy itself, as we understand it today.

And the Roman Forum is exactly where it all thrived, the heart of the Ancient City, located between the Palatine Hill and the Capitoline Hill, two of the seven hills on which the city of Rome was built. We will discover the secrets with which the Romans designed the city, managed the Empire and organised leisure time, revealing the greatest 'invention' of this timeless civilisation, its way of life. We will discover that the modus vivendi of much of today's society is an updated version of that of the ancient Romans, and we will discover that, in essence, we are as modern as they were, or perhaps that, in some respects, they were far ahead of us and could still inspire us to improve our future.

90 minutes including 30 min Q&A


Raffaella Marchesini

Raffaella Marchesini, known as Ella, is a qualified guide working in Rome. She has a degree in Archaeology and a PhD in Ancient History and has been a Sommelier since 2016. Her passion for the past is matched only by her passion for good food and wine because after all "you don't know exactly where you are going until you know where you have been", and what you have drunk!

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